Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Pernambuco. * 1,500,000.
k Aeroporto dos Guararapes,
7 miles (11 km) S of city center.
@ 9 miles (14 km) SW of city
center. n Empetur, (081) 3427
8000. _ Carnaval (Feb/Mar).
P Forte do Brum
Praça Comunidade Luso-Brasileira.
Tel (081) 3224 4620. # 9am-4pm
Tue-Fri, 2-4pm Sat & Sun.
One of the few constructions
to pre-date the Dutch, Forte
Brum is located at the far end
of Avenida Militar. Built by
the Portuguese in 1629, it was
taken over by the Dutch in
1630, and strengthened and
expanded. A military museum
today, the new design was
kept by the Portuguese when
they reclaimed it in 1654.
The rebuilt Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue
originally come from Portugal,
fleeing the Inquisition. At the
height of Dutch rule, about
half of Recife's white popu-
lation was Jewish.
Unfortunately, the
period of religious
tolerance was
and when
Archaeologists have
confirmed the exact location
of the original synagogue
after digging up part of a
mikveh (ritual bath). The
current synagogue has been
rebuilt from the ground up,
based on these findings,
historical data, and other
sources. The museum pre-
sents an excellent docu-
mentary and display on the
history of the Jews in Recife.
Paço da
Ponte 12 de
Ponte Mauricio
de Nassau
E Forte das Cinco Pontas
Praça das Cinco Pontas. Tel (081)
3232 2812. # 9am-6pm Tue-Fri,
1-5pm Sat & Sun. & 8
P Torre de Malakoff
Praça do Arsenal da Marinha,
Rua do Bom Jesus.
Tel (081) 3184 3180.
# 10am-7pm Tue-Fri.
A relative newcomer
to the Rua do Bom
Jesus, the Malakoff
Tower was built
in 1845 as South
America's first
which is still
functional. Visitors
can climb to the
top terrace for a
splendid view of
the city with the
LX 200 telescopes.
Somewhat deceptively, the
Forte das Cinco Pontas (Five-
Pointed Fort) actually only
has four points. The original
Dutch fort, built in 1630
to protect the new Dutch-
Brazilian capital of
Mauritsstad, had five. When
the Dutch withdrew in 1654,
the Portuguese leveled the
unique shape, and put up a
more traditional four-pointer.
Wonderfully restored, the fort
now houses the city museum
and contains an impressive
collection of maps, paintings,
and artifacts that tell the
history of Dutch rule.
Forte das
Cinco Pontas
Casa da
Aeroporto dos
7 miles (11 km)
Recife's signature beat is frevo .
Fast, upbeat, almost polka-like,
the rhythm is particularly
popular during Carnaval
(see p41). This distinct musical
genre is reputed to have
derived its name from the verb
ferver (to boil), which refers to
the frenetic beat of the brass
bands. One of the accessories
of a frevo dancer is the brightly
colored hand-held parasol that
is used in the choreography. First recorded in the 1930s,
the rhythm made its way into the repertoire of mainstream
Brazilian musicians by the 1950s and 60s.
the Dutch surrendered to the
Portuguese in 1654, the Jews
were given three months to
liquidate their assets and
leave. Many members of the
Recife community set sail to
New Amsterdam and helped
found New York.
The synagogue was
dismantled, and its role as a
temple and meeting place of
the Jewish community was
completely forgotten. The
building was eventually torn
down at the beginning of the
20th century.
A dancer performing frevo
with a colorful parasol
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