Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Exploring São Paulo City
Brazil's largest city covers an area of 6,332 sq miles (10,190 sq
km). The conurbation of São Paulo, which includes the cities of
São Bernardo de Campo, Guarulhos, and Sorocaba, is home to
about 29 million people, making it the largest urban area in the
world. There are three city centers - the old center preserves the
few remaining historical buildings, including the Catedral
Metropolitana. A short distance to the southwest is Avenida
Paulista, home to the famous Museu de Arte Contemporânea
(MAC). The commercial districts of Itaim and Brooklin lie south,
on the banks of the Rio Tietê. The city's posh neighborhood,
Jardins, is lined with South America's finest shops and restaurants.
Another upscale area, Vila Mariana is home to Parque do
Ibirapuera, a green oasis among the relentless high-rises.
Historic Buildings, Streets,
Towns & Neighborhoods
Avenida Paulista y
Centro Cultural Banco
do Brasil 7
Edifício Banespa 9
Edifício Itália 8
Estação da Luz w
Liberdade u
Pátio do Colégio 3
Sala São Paulo r
Theatro Municipal 5
Churches, Cathedrals &
Catedral Metropolitana 1
Igreja da Consolação 6
Igreja de São Francisco
de Assis 2
Mosteiro São Bento 4
Estação Pinacoteca e
Museu Arte Sacra q
Museu de Arte Contemporânea
(MAC) p
Museu de Arte de São Paulo
(MASP) p143 t
Museu Paulista
do Ipiranga o
Pinacoteca do
Estado pp140-41 0
Parks & Gardens
Instituto Butantã a
Jardim Botânico s
Parque Burle Marx d
Parque do Ibirapuera
pp146-7 i
High-rise modern buildings dominating the skyline, central São Paulo
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