Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
. Matriz de Nossa
Senhora da Conceição
Manuel Francisco
Libsoa transformed this
once-rustic church
into one of the city's
most magnificently
decorated cathedrals.
Minas Gerais.
from Belo Horizonte.
Praça Tiradentes 41, (031)
3559 3269.
Carnaval (Feb/
Mar). Casa dos Contos Rua São
José 12 . Tel (031) 3551 1444 .
Igreja de Nossa Senhora de
Carmo Rua B. Mosqueira .
Tel (031) 3551 3282.
Statue of Tiradentes
The leader of the Inconfidentes
was the only rebel against the
Portuguese colonizers to be
executed. He is a cult figure
in Brazil, mainly for the poor.
Portrait of Aleijadinho
This likeness, which was
painted long after the
sculptor's death, is housed
in the Museu Aleijadinho.
The museum preserves a
small collection of
Aleijadinho's works.
Suggested route
Museu da Inconfidência
features relics related
to the Inconfidentes,
as well as drawings
by Aleijadinho.
Igreja de Nossa
Senhora do Carmo
The Rococo font
(in the sacristy),
door-case the
altars, and the
statue of Santa
Helena in this church
are all attributed to
Igreja de São Francisco de Assis
One of Latin America's most
important Rococo buildings, the
church combines the finest work
of Aleijadinho and Mestre Athayde.
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