Agriculture Reference
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1 Harpman (1999) or Edwards et al. (1999) are two good examples of the treatment of
timing in the hydropower operation in the context of environmental constraints.
2 In Mediterranean climates, the volume of water available (precipitation less plants and
crops-transpiration) come fundamentally from the upper reaches of the rivers and are
minimal in the mid and lower stretches. That is to say, in our case As regards the
return flows coming from system 1, note that these correspond both to instream and non-
rival uses (minimum flow, whose rate of return flows is 1), as well as to irrigation and urban
uses (with rates of return flows of 0.2 and 0.8, respectively).
3 R and V could be state or flow variables, depending on how we use them. In our approach,
we consider their value as a fixed quantity per year and period, no matter how their
distribution along the periods are.
4 Water supply follow a stochastic process that is characterised according to a Normal
distribution. The typical dry year will be that which leaves a reduced percentage of the years
(for example, 2.5%) 'to its left'. This means that a guarantee of 100% is not considered as
possible in any case, but simply that the risk is delimited to certain lower levels in the
absence of this stochastic view.
Bielsa, J. (1999) Gestión del Agua Integrada en el Territorio. Consejo de Protectión de la
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Butcher, W.R and P.R. Wandschneider (1986) Competition Between Irrigation and
Hydropower in the Pacific Northwest. In: K. Frederick (ed.) Scarce Water and
Institutional Change. Resources for the Future. Washington D.C.
Chatterjee, B., R. Howitt and R.J. Sexton (1998) The optimal joint provision of water for
irrigation and hydropower. Journal of Environmental Economics and
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Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro (2000) Demandas consuntivas y no consuntivas en la
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Colby, B.G., J.C. Randall and D.B. Bush (1993) Water rights transactions: market values
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Dinar, A. and A. Wolf (1994) International markets for water and the potential for regional
cooperation: Economic and political perspectives in the Western Middle East”. In:
Economic development and cultural change.
Edwards, B.K., S.J. Flaim and R.E. Howitt (1999) Optimal provision of hydroelectric power
under environmental and regulatory constrains. Land Economics 75: 267-283.
Garrido, A. (1994) Mercados de aguas: entelequias economicistas o soluciones a los
problemas de asignación? Revista de Estudios Agro-Sociales 167: 89-112.
Gibbons, D.C. (1986) The Economic Value of Water. Resources for the Future. John
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Griffin, R.C. and S.H. Hsu (1993) The potential for water market efficiency when instream
flows have value. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 75: 292-303.
Harpman, D.A. (1999) Assessing the short-run economic cost of environmental constraints
on hydropower operations at Glen Canyon Dam. Land Economics 75: 390-401.
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