Agriculture Reference
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rival). Two uses are rival if they compete for the same unit of water in the
same place (although they do so at different moments in time). By contrast,
two uses are successive if the withdrawal of one unit of water on the part of
one of them does not prevent its use by the other.
Under this general scheme, we can propose a model of optimum
allocation between the uses with the following objective joint profit
function and restrictions:
subject to:
The relationship between effective uses and water rights (priority
and volumes) are reflected in the restrictions in the following terms: the
water used by a set of successive uses will be the highest of all of them,
whilst from amongst a group of rival uses, it will be their total. For
example, in restriction 11.5 we can see how
are successive
uses, whilst this is a rival offstream use with respect to
Furthermore, the order of priority is reflected in the fact that, for
each activity, the water used will be the total available volume
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