Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Stratospheric ozone depletion (expressed as kg
Acidification (expressed as kg
HC1; Heijungs et al. 1992)
Human and eco-toxicity: expressed as kg of
3.1 Different reference system options for equal LCA
In the first group of examples, biodiesel from rape seed is compared to
conventional diesel, using different reference systems. For these examples,
in addition one qualitatively assessed parameter was included, i.e.
biodiversity, based on expert judgement. The results shown in Figures 8.4
and 8.5 are the overall results of complete life cycle comparisons between
RME and diesel fuel, in each case taking into account all steps from oil
production and processing through to combustion.
For the calculations, complete life cycles were considered as
explained in Section 1 (see Figure 8.1). Considering complete life cycles
means accounting for all relevant by-products and their equivalent products
( i.e. rape seed meal and soy cake or glycerine from rape seed oil and from
mineral oil, cf. Figure 8.6). This is taken into account for all calculations
made in this chapter. The calculations were done both for RME as well as
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