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of the features is assumed independent. With this assumption, we can compute
p( x i | y) = j,k p( x ij = x ij k | y) , where x ij denotes feature j , for instance, i ,and
x ij k denotes the k th possible feature value for feature j . Therefore, naıve Bayes
is simply skew insensitive as predictions are calibrated by p(y) or the prior
probability of class y .
Another classifier that has recently been made skew insensitive are decision
trees. Hellinger distance decision trees (HDDTs) [29] are strongly skew insen-
sitive, using an adaptation of the Hellinger distance as a decision tree splitting
criterion. They mitigate the need for sampling.
For the sake of clarity, we present the basic decision tree-building algorithm.
The algorithm (Algorithm Build Tree ) differs from the traditional C4.5 [30]
algorithm in two important facets, both motivated by the research of Provost
and Domingos [31]. First, when building the decision tree, Build Tree does not
consider pruning or collapsing. Second, when classifying an instance, Laplace
smoothing is applied. These choices are because of empirical results, demonstrat-
ing that a full tree with Laplace smoothing outperforms all other configurations
[31], which are particularly relevant for imbalanced datasets. When C4.5 deci-
sion trees are built in this way (i.e., without pruning, without collapsing, and
with Laplace smoothing), they are called C4.4 decision trees [31].
Algorithm Build Tree
Require: Training set T , Cut-off size C
1: if | T | <C then
2: return
3: end if
4: for each feature f of T do
5: H f Calc Criterion Value(T,f)
6: end for
7: b
max (H )
8: for each value v of b do
9: Build T ree(T x b = v ,C)
10: end for
An important thing to note is that Build Tree is only defined for nominal
features. For continuous features, a slight variation to Build Tree is used, where
Calc Criterion Value sorts the instances by the feature value, finds all mean-
ingful splits, calculates the binary criterion value at each split, and returns the
highest distance; this is identical to the procedure used in C4.5.
The important function to consider when building a decision tree is
Calc Criterion Value . In C4.5, this function is gain ratio, which is a measure
of purity based on entropy [30], while in HDDT, this function is Hellinger
distance. We now describe the Hellinger distance as a splitting criterion.
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