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PeopleTools tools and technology
• Application Development
• Integration
• Life-Cycle and Administration
• PeopleSoft Interaction Hub
• Platforms and Engineered Systems
• Security
such as the one shown in Table   8.5, can be used to aid in the decision-
making process.
1. Choose or develop the criteria for comparison and the weight
(importance) of each
2. Select the alternatives to be compared
3. Generate scores—for each comparison, the product should be evalu-
ated as being better (+), the same (S), or worse (−)
4. Compute the total score
Four scores will be generated: the number of plus scores, minus scores,
the overall total, and the weighted total. The overall total is the number
of plus scores, minus the number of minus scores. The weighted total is
the scores times their respective weighting factors, added up. The totals
should not be treated as absolute in the decision-making process, but as
Pugh Matrix
(Step 2)
We i g h t
(Step 1)
Generate score (step 3)
To t a l +
To t a l −
Overall total
Generate totals (step 4)
Weighted total
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