Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The Siebel Product Set
Product Area
Siebel Product
• Siebel Handheld
• Siebel Remote and Mobile Web Client
• Siebel Server Sync
• Siebel Task-Based UI
• Siebel Test Automation
• Siebel Wireless
Once the goals and core competencies are identified, information related
to these activities is gathered to compare the cost of performing the func-
tions in-house with the cost of outsourcing them. This enables the com-
pany to answer nonfinancial questions such as, “How critical are these
functions/activities?” or “What are the dependencies on these activities?”
or “Will this activity become a mission-critical activity?” This will help
organizations reach decisions about whether or not to outsource. Long-
term cost and investment implications, work morale, and support should
also be considered.
Phase 2: Needs Assessment and Vendor Selection
The objective of this phase is to develop a detailed understanding of the
needs of the organization and the capabilities of possible solution provid-
ers. In this phase, a request for a proposal (RFP) is developed and delivered
to applicable vendors. The RFPs need to be structured in a manner to facil-
itate assessment and comparison of the various vendors. The RFP should
contain the complete requirements, the problem that needs to be resolved,
desires, etc. A clearly structured and documented RFP also helps vendors
understand and evaluate what a company is looking for and assists them
in assessing whether they can provide the required service.
When evaluating the vendor proposals, the organization should look
not only at the technological capability of the vendor, but also at factors
such as the vendor's financial stability, track record, and customer-support
reputation. Contacting the vendor's existing and previous clients would
give the organization a good idea about the vendor's abilities. A matrix,
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