Biology Reference
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the a -helix was born! A single span a -helix integral protein, glycophorin a, was dis-
cussed above. More common than the single span proteins are the multiple span a -helix
proteins. Of particular importance is a very large family of proteins that have 7
membrane-spanning a -helices. These proteins have been referred to as the 'magnificent
seven' due to their biochemical importance [21] . Examples of proteins containing the 7
a -helix motif include the large family of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) including
the visual receptor rhodopsin and the olfactory receptor, and a variety of channels
including voltage gated potassium channels, mechanosensitive channels, aquaporin, chlo-
ride channels, and polysaccharide transporters. Included in the G-protein coupled 7 a -helix
family are receptors for most of the important hormones and signaling molecules in man
including g -aminobutyric acid (GABA), adenosine, bradykinin, opioid peptides, somato-
statin, vasopressin, dopamine, epinephrine, histamine, glucagons, acetylcholine, serotonin,
prostaglandins, platelet activating factor, leukotrienes, calcitonin and follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH). The 7 a -helix motif is so important that it has been estimated that more
than half of all commercial pharmaceuticals are modulators of the GPCR.
The best studied of the 7
-helix motif proteins is bacteriorhodopsin, a product of the salt
loving archaea Halobacterium [22] . Under anaerobic conditions this bacteria switches its
metabolism to produce enormous quantities of bacteriorhodopsin, a 7
-helix trans-
membrane protein that accumulates in two-dimensional crystalline patches known as
a 'purple membrane'. The 'purple membrane' may occupy up to 50% of the cell surface.
This highly unusual feature allows for the easy isolation and crystallization of bacteriorho-
dopsin. Bacteriorhodopsin's function is bioenergetic. Under anaerobic conditions, it captures
light to generate a trans-membrane proton gradient that is used to drive ATP synthesis. The
light absorbing entity is a retinal connected by a Schiff base to a lysine buried deep in the
membrane hydrophobic interior.
The crystallographic structure of bacteriorhodopsin has been determined to 1.55 ˚ resolu-
tion [23] . The protein was shown to have seven trans-membrane a -helices accounting for 80%
of the protein's mass. The helices are connected by short, extra-membrane, non-helical loops
( Figure 6.8a and 6.8 b) [25] . In agreement with the Kyte Doolittle hydropathy plot analysis
( Figure 6.8a and 6.8 b) [24] , each a -helix is composed of about 20 amino acids, the vast
majority of which are hydrophobic. However, there are several amino acids found in the
a -helices that would not be expected. These include lysine-216 that binds to the retinal, 2
prolines that normally terminate a -helices, as well as the charged amino acids lysine, argi-
nine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid. Since each of the 7 a -helices has at least one of these
unfavorable amino acids, application of a Kyte Doolittle hydropathy plot without employing
a rolling average to smooth the curves would not detect any 20 or more amino acid a -helix
spans in the protein. The 7 a -helices are clustered together and are oriented a little off perpen-
dicular to the membrane plane. Since this structural motif is typical of the entire family of
GPCRs, bacteriorhodopsin was then used to model the other 7
-helix family members until
some additional crystallography data finally became available in 2007.
The second major type of trans-membrane structure is the b -barrel [26] . This structure is
stabilized inside the membrane by the same hydrophobic forces that stabilize a -helix integral
proteins and, furthermore, the protein's folding is facilitated by water-soluble chaperones.
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