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multimatcher architecture with support for combining linguistic, structural, and
instance-based matching. We discussed first approaches in several areas that seem
promising for large-scale matching, particularly partition-based matching, paral-
lel matching, self-tuning of match workflows, and reuse of previously determined
match mappings. Such techniques are not yet common in current match systems,
and more research is needed in all these areas.
Research on holistic (
-way) schema matching mostly focused on very simple
schemas such as web forms. More research is therefore needed for
-way matching
(clustering) of more complex schemas. An important variation of this problem is
searching the most similar schemas for a given schema. Within advanced match
strategies for large schemas, such search approaches are also needed for finding
relevant subschemas.
Fully automatic schema matching is possible and may provide sufficient match
quality for simple schemas such as web forms. This is especially the case for the
idea of probabilistic mediated schemas considering several alternatives for cluster-
ing attributes. For large schemas and ontologies, on the other hand, user interaction
remains necessary to configure match workflows, perform incremental matching on
selected schema portions, and to provide feedback on the correctness of match can-
didates. Integrating the various match techniques within a usable and effective data
integration infrastructure is challenging and also requires much more work.
Alexe B, Gubanov M, Hernandez MA, Ho H, Huang JW, Katsis Y, Popa L, Saha B, Stanoi I (2009)
Simplifying information integration: Object-based flow-of-mappings framework for integra-
tion. In: Proceedings of BIRTE08 (business intelligence for the real-time enterprise) workshop.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 27. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 108-121
Algergawy A, Schallehn E, Saake G (2009) Improving XML schema matching performance using
Prufer sequences. Data Knowl Eng 68(8):728-747
Algergawy A et al. (2010) Combining schema and level-based matching for web service discovery.
In: Proceedings of 10th international conference on web engineering (ICWE). Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, vol 6189. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 114-128
Aumueller D, Do HH, Massmann S, Rahm E (2005) Schema and ontology matching with
. In: Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD conference, demo paper. ACM, NY, pp 906-
Avesani P, Giunchiglia F, Yatskevich M (2005) A large scale taxonomy mapping evaluation. In:
Proceedings of international conference on semantic web (ICSW). LNCS, vol 3729. Springer,
Heidelberg, pp 67-81
Bellahsene Z, Duchateau F (2011) Tuning for schema matching. In: Bellahsene Z, Bonifati A,
Rahm E (eds) Schema matching and mapping, Data-Centric Systems and Applications Series.
Springer, Heidelberg
Bellahsene Z, Bonifati A, Duchateau F, Velegrakis Y (2011) On evaluating schema matching and
mapping. In: Bellahsene Z, Bonifati A, Rahm E (eds) Schema matching and mapping, Data-
Centric Systems and Applications Series. Springer, Heidelberg
Bernstein PA, Melnik S, Petropoulos M, Quix C (2004) Industrial-strength schema matching. ACM
SIGMOD Rec 33(4):38-43
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