Geoscience Reference
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mize during April to August. In the auroral and polar cap latitudes, any significant
magnetic storm activity can produce scintillation effects. Although the high-latitude
scintillations are not as strong as those measured in the near-equatorial belt, they can
last for many hours, even days, and are not limited to the local late evening hours, as
the near equatorial scintillation effects (Feltens et al. 2009 ).
Solar flare effects. Solar radiation bursts known as solar flares may cause a rapid
and severe increase of ionization in the ionosphere. Sudden Increase of TEC (SITEC)
are caused by enhanced photoionization due to solar radiation bursts at wavelengths
less than 130nm. SITEC can effect TEC values in the range from less than 1 TECUup
to 20TECUor evenmore (Jakowski andLazo 1977 ). These TEC jumps arewithin few
minutes and may seriously limit the accuracy and reliability of GNSS applications.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Austrian Science Fund for supporting their
workwithin project GGOSAtmosphere (P20902-N10). Support toDavid Salsteinwas also provided
by the US National Science Foundation, under a series of grants, most recently ATM-0913780.
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