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d H
d t ,
relating the torque L acting upon the body to the temporal change of its angular
momentum H . This is the basic relation for the development of (Newtonian) preces-
sion/nutation theories for astronomical Earth rotation. In order to characterize polar
motion (or geophysical Earth rotation if referring to the traditional separation) and
changes of LOD, Eq. ( 3 ) has to be rewritten in the rotating reference system that has
been attached to the body (Munk and MacDonald 1960 )
d H
d t + ω ×
The time-dependent quantity
signifies the angular velocity vector of the body-fixed
reference frame with respect to the space-fixed reference frame. Hence,
is also the
angular velocity vector of the Earth with respect to inertial space (Gross 2007 ).
Equation ( 4 ) is one form of Euler's dynamical equation for rigid body rotation. In
case of rigidity, the angular momentum H can be basically expressed as the product
of the inertia tensor I and
. I is represented by a symmetric matrix containing the
moments of inertia and the products of inertia of the rotating body, which character-
ize the internal mass distribution. In addition, the inertia tensor would be invariant
for a rigid body, since single particles do not move with respect to the attached
reference system. If deformations and fluid elements are allowed for, I becomes
time-variable, the mass elements move with respect to the body-frame, introducing
relative angular momentum h . In this case, the angular momentum H of the entire,
rotating, deformable body is composed of
ω +
ω =
Earth ρ
× ( ω ×
d V
Earth ρ
v d V
where both constituents I and h contain contributions of the solid Earth as well as
the hydrosphere and the atmospheric effects of density and wind variations. The
quantity x denotes the position of a mass element with material density
and v is its
velocity relative to the terrestrial system. The first summand in Eq. ( 5 ) is generally
referred to as mass or matter term , the second summand is labeled motion term .
Moreover, Eq. ( 5 ) perfectly illustrates the idea of the angular momentum approach:
mass displacements and fluxes in the different components of the Earth generate both
variations of the inertia tensor and relative angular momentum. Since H remains
constant in the absence of external torques ( L will be set to zero in the following
section as we do not consider astronomically-induced variations of Earth rotation),
changes in the angular velocity vector balance the equation by altering its direction
(polar motion) and magnitude (changes in LOD). Combination of Eqs. ( 4 ) and ( 5 )
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