Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Competiveness and productivity
Climate change
Safety, security and health
Quality of life
Social equity
Deliver reliable and efficient
transport networks that support
economic growth
Combat climate change by ensuring
the right prices signals are sent to
people and businesses.
Improve vehicle energy efficiency
across all modes and promote
lower carbon fuels.
Reduce deaths and serious injuri-
ese of all users across all transport
Enhance the quality of passenger
journeys on all transport networks
to meet rising expectations.
Improve access for people to trans-
port vehicles and networks.
Ensure transport contributes to
sustainable improvements in the
economic performance of all
regions and helps reduce the per-
sistent gap in growth rates between
the regions
Get people to work:
on time
Enable people and businesses to
choose lower carbon transport op-
tions by breaking down the barriers
to those behavioural changes
Actively promote ultra-low carbon
alternatives such as walking and
cycling and low carbon alternatives
such as public transport options
Reduce the number of short-
distance trips by carbon intensive
Reduce deaths and serious injuries
in urban areas of
Allow people to get to work in
reasonable comfort
Minimise noise pollution from
transport in key citiies
Minimise the impact of transport on
townscape and heritage.
Promote health and well-being
through transport.
Help to address long-term house
affordability issues by providing the
appropriate level of transport infra-
structure to support the increase in
the supply of housing and to ensure
well-designed and sustainable
Enhance access to key services,
goods and employment opportuni-
ties for disadvantaged groups
Ensure people in rural areas have
access to appropriate transport
reliably and quickly
in reasonable comfort
pedestrians and cyclists
Allow movement of freight which is
at reasonable cost
Reduce crime and the fear of
crime on transport to ensure safer
Reduce the risk of terrorist attacks
on urban public transport systems
and ensure resilience of systems
to attack.
Minimise adverse impacts on air
quality for local residents arising
from transport
young drivers
Support the economy by ensuring
people can get to shops and
businesses, education and leisure
low cost
Ensure interurban travellers and
freight can get to a range of (10)
key destinations reliably and quickly
and can get there and back in a day.
Enhance resilience of national
transport networks
Encourage and enable low-carbon
technology innovation in the
transport sector.
Facilitate shift of freight transport to
lower carbon alternatives
Reduce death and serious injuries
on national transport networks
and reduce accidents which cause
journey disruption.
Reduce death and serious injuries
of employees and professional driv-
ers on national transport networks.
Reduce the risk of terrorist attacks
on national transport networks
Minimise the impact of national
transport networks on
Help to address long-term house
affordability issues by providing the
appropriate level of transport infra-
structure to support the increase in
the supply of housing and to ensure
well-designed and sustainable
Ensure affordability is not a barrier
to accessing transport.
Minimise the noise pollution impact
for residents close to national trans-
port infrastructure
Ensure national network journeys
are comfortable and convenient
and that travel times can be used
the water environment
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