Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Experience of the new system in its first three years has led to proposals for a
number of detailed changes of the 2004 Regulations on which a consultation paper
has been produced (DCLG 2007h). The paper also includes a draft revision of PPS12.
A key procedural change is that the original requirement for two distinct rounds
of public consultation (at 'issues and options' and 'preferred option' stages) is being
replaced with a single requirement to engage the public and stakeholders, with
planning authorities having discretion as to how this is best executed. This provides
more flexibility and will help speed cases where a two-stage approach is not necessary.
Authorities are also being given the opportunity to amend a submitted plan following
receipt of representations on it where these indicate that the plan might otherwise be
found unsound and hence risk not being approved (Chapter 22).
19.5 The form and content of development plan documents
The following types of development plan document have to be included in the LDF
• a ' core strategy'
• a site-specific proposals map
• an adopted proposals map.
In addition any number of additional plans of the following types may be included:
area action plans
other development plan documents (e.g. dealing in more detail with particular issues,
topics or areas).
Core strategy
The core strategy contains the main elements of the planning framework for the area,
• an overall vision which sets out how the district and the places within it should
• strategic objectives for the area focusing on the key issues to be addressed
• a delivery strategy for achieving these objectives, setting out what is intended to
happen where, when, and by what means it will be delivered
• clear arrangements for managing and monitoring the delivery of the strategy.
Preparation of the core strategy should draw on any strategies of the local authority
or other organisation that have implications for the development and use of land -
PPS12 refers to the community strategy and the local transport plan as examples.
Further advice on the integration of transport and land use policies is given in Annex
B - see Box 19.2.
The core strategy has to be kept up to date and all other development plan
documents have to be in conformity with it.
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