Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
Neither the world's widest river delta nor a sovereign border can distance
Colonia del Sacramento, or simply “Colonia,” from Buenos Aires' orbit.
Modern ferries departing from Puerto Madero whisk passengers (with
passports) across. Pesos circulate freely among the local currency, the
uruguayo , as do wisps of woodsmoke carrying the aroma of grilled beef. But
it is the contrasts between Buenos Aires and this UNESCO-recognized, former
Portuguese maritime stronghold, established in 1680, that make Colonia
worth a visit. Whereas the Río de la Plata is hidden from Buenos Aires' view,
it is everywhere here, lapping sandy beaches, reflecting the peninsula's
emblematic lighthouse, and swallowing the setting sun.
Top 10 Features
1 Plaza Mayor
2 Museo Portugues
3 El Faro & Convento de
San Francisco
4 Real de San Carlos
5 Casa Nacarello
6 Playa Ferrando
7 Iglesia Matriz
8 Calle de los Suspiros
9 El Portón de Campo
0 Rambla Costanera
El Portón de Campo
Arrive at Buquebus'
Puerto Madero
terminal at least
an hour before
departure, as check-
in lines can be
formidable, especially
on weekends.
Food is prepared
uniformly well in the
the historic district's
kitchens, but for a
menu and decor
as eclectic as
anything in Palermo
Viejo, visit El
Drugstore (see p99).
! Plaza Mayor
£ El Faro & Convento
has stately palms and
colonies of Austral parrots.
Ringed by many museums,
it makes a good starting
point for exploring the
peninsula's cobbled streets.
The Plaza Mayor
de San Francisco
The 1857 lighthouse
pulls off the neat
trick of incorporating the
ruins of a late 17th-century
convent into its form.
• Map B4
• Museums: open
11am-4:45pm daily;
museum pass: $50
(Uruguay); pass can be
bought at the Museo
Municipal on the Plaza
Mayor. It grants access
to all seven museums of
Colonia. The Lighthouse
is not included in this
@ Museo Portugues
This 1720 bi-level house
explores the legacy of
Portugal in Colonia. The
museum contains 16th-
century navigation map
replicas, period uniforms,
and an intriguing exhibit on
the delta's role in the
African slave trade,
along with artifacts from
the period.
For beach trips or a visit to Real de San Carlos, take an ABC bus
from Avda. General Flores. You can also take a taxi or a scooter.
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