Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Museo de Arte Latinoamericano
de Buenos Aires (MALBA)
Almost at the same time as the collapse of the Argentinian economy, a vital
new pillar of national culture rose in Palermo Chico. Since September 2001
the Costantini Collection, a previously nomadic cache of more than 400
prized Latin-American artworks, has lodged in the modern, airy, multilevel
institution known as MALBA. Like New York's Museum of Modern Art, the
building has been accused of diminishing its paintings, sculptures, recordings,
and photographs. Yet visitors strolling through the permanent collection or
taking in an art-house film find the scale surprisingly intimate.
Top 10 Features
1 Tiendamalba
2 Xul Solar - Pareja (1923)
3 Pablo Curatella Manes -
El Acordeonista (1922)
4 Antonio Seguí - La Distancia
de la Mirada (1976)
5 MALBA Cine
6 Guillermo Kuitca -
Various Pieces
7 Fernando Botero -
Los Viudos (1968)
8 Antonio Berni -
Manifestación (1934)
9 Ernesto Deira - Nine
Variations Over a Well-Tensed
Canvas (1965)
0 Frida Kahlo - Autoretrato
con Chango y Loro (1942)
! Tiendamalba
MALBA's gift shop
stocks the requisite post-
cards and topics, but
what sets Tiendamalba
apart are its plush dolls,
leather cow figurines,
and knick-knacks
MALBA's façade
guided tours are
available for groups
who make a reser-
vation in advance.
MALBA's restaurant
serves international
fare in a bright,
modern setting.
Paseo Alcorta's
(see p39) food court
offers dozens of
lunch options too.
@ Xul Solar
- Pareja (1923)
Wildly imaginative Solar
(see p88)
• Map M2
• Avda. Figueroa Alcorta
3415 • 4808-6500
• Open noon-8pm Thu-
Mon; noon-9pm Wed;
closed Tue
• MALBA's Restaurant:
open 9am-9pm Sun-
Wed; 9am-1pm Thu-Sat
• Adm US$20 ($8 on
is at the
height of his powers
The warmth and
light he achieved
earned him many
comparisons to
European masters.
£ Pablo Curatella
Manes - El
Acordeonista (1922)
This 20th-century sculptor
befriended Cubism god-
father Juan Gris while in
Paris in the 1920s. The
Spaniard's influence is
seen in
El Acordeonista
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