Travel Reference
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Security & Health
! Emergency
$ Taking Taxis
& Pharmacies
In case of emergency the
following numbers can
be dialed free of charge
24 hours a day. d Policía
(police) 911 Bomberos
(fire service) 100
• Emergencia médica
(ambulance service) 107
Defensa Civil (for gas
leaks, power cuts,
flooding) 103.
@ Police
The safest way is to
phone a radio taxi or
remise (see p105) . If you
do flag a taxi at street
level, look for a radio taxi
(“radio taxi” is written on
the car doors) rather than
a standard taxi, as it is
safer. This is especially
advisable in Puerto
Madero where rogue
taxis are known to
circulate. Also, never
take a taxi from directly
outside an ATM; walk a
couple of blocks first.
% Hospitals and
Argentina's biggest
pharmacy chain is
Farmacity, which has
branches throughout the
city. All neighborhoods
have access to 24-hour
pharmacies. Head to the
nearest one; if it is not
open, the address of the
nearest farmacia de turno
will be posted on its
door. It is usually just a
couple of blocks away.
* Drinking Water
Should you be
unfortunate enough to be
a victim of crime, report
the incident at the
Comisaría del Turista ,
located downtown.
Specifically for tourists, it
is staffed with English-
speaking police 24 hours
a day. Otherwise go
directly to the nearest
police station or
comisaría . d Comisaría
del Turista: Avda. Corrientes
436; 0800-999-5000; open
24hrs; turista@
Argentina's tap water
is safe to drink. Many
visitors, however, prefer
to drink bottled water.
Medical Clinics
Medical treatment is best
sought at one of the
city's private hospitals,
where the cost of treat-
ment is low compared to
the USA and Europe, and
the level of service high.
Hospital Británico has a
main hospital in the
south of the city for
24-hour emergencies and
neighborhood clinics for
medical consultations.
d Map D5; Hospital
Británico: Perdriel 74;
4309-6400; www.
^ Dental Treatment
( Women Travelers
Most women
travelers will find Buenos
Aires a relaxed and
casual city. Argentinian
men can sometimes be
over amorous, but this is
easily deflected with a
firm estoy casada (“I'm
married”). Women
travelers should, how-
ever, take care when
taking taxis alone and
should always phone a
radio taxi.
£ Theft Prevention
Buenos Aires is
extremely safe when
compared to other Latin
American cities and most
big cities anywhere in
the world. Most crimes
can be avoided by taking
a few simple precautions.
Never leave bags unat-
tended or on the back of
chairs in bars and restau-
rants, do not flash money
around, do not show off
expensive photographic
or video equipment, and,
of course, avoid crime
hotspots (see p106 ).
) Consulates
Most major countries
have consulates in the
city. In an emergency,
especially if you have any
dealings with the police,
insist on contacting your
consulate. d Consulates:
• Australia 4779-3550
• Ireland 5787-0801
• Canada 4805-3032
• New Zealand 4328-0747
• UK 4808-2200
• USA 5777-4533
Dental treatment in
Buenos Aires is good and
inexpensive and most
private hospitals have
dental clinics. For emer-
gencies, the Servicio de
Urgencias, at the state
university's dental
faculty, is open 24 hours
a day. d Servicio de
Urgencias; Marcelo T de
Alvear 2146; 4964-1259
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