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records an id and a timestamp in each row. A heartbeat plug-in for Cloudstone is
implemented to insert a new row with a global id and a local timestamp to the master
periodically during the experiment. Once the insert query is replicated to slaves,
every slave re-executes the query by committing the global id and its own local time-
stamp. The replication delay from the master to slaves is then calculated as the dif-
ference of two timestamps between the master and each slave. In practice, there are
two challenges with respect to achieving a fine-grained measurement of replication
delay: the resolution of the time/date function and the clock synchronization between
the master and slaves. The time/date function offered by MySQL has a resolution
of a second that represents an unacceptable solution because accurate measuring of
the replication delay requires a higher precision. We, therefore, implemented a user
defined time/date function with a microsecond resolution that is based on a proposed
solution to MySQL Bug #8523.* The clock synchronizations between the master and
slaves are maintained by NTP (Network Time Protocol) on Amazon EC2. We set
the NTP protocol to synchronize with multiple time servers every second to have a
better resolution.
With the customized Cloudstone and the heartbeat plug-in, we are able to
achieve our goal of measuring the end-to-end database throughput and the repli-
cation delay. In particular, we defined two configurations with read/write ratios of
50/50 and 80/20. We also defined three configurations of the geographical locations
based on availability zones (they are distinct locations within a region) and regions
(they are separated into geographic areas or countries) as follows: same zone where
all slaves are deployed in the same Availability Zone of a Region of the master
database; different zones where the slaves are in the same Region as the master
database, but in different availability zones; different regions where all slaves are
geographically distributed in a different region from where the master database is
located. The workload and the number of database replicas start with a small number
and gradually increase at a fixed step. Both numbers stop increasing if there are no
throughputs gained.
11.5.2 e XPeriment s etuP
We conducted our replication experiments in Amazon EC2 service with a three-layer
implementation (Figure 11.3). The first layer is the Cloudstone benchmark that controls
the read/write ratio and the workload by separately adjusting the number of read and
write operations, and the number of concurrent users. As a large number of concur-
rent users emulated by the benchmark could be very resource-consuming, the bench-
mark is deployed in a large instance to avoid any overload on the application tier. The
second layer includes the master database that receives the write operations from the
benchmark and is responsible for propagating the write sets to the slaves. The master
database runs in a small instance so that saturation can be expected to be observed
The source code of our Cloudstone customized implementation is available on
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