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The idea of triplegroup “matching” a star subpattern in a query has to ensure that
the underlying structure is represented in a triplegroup. For example, triplegroup
tg 3 in Figure 6.5 does not match either of the required star subpatterns since it does
not contain triples with some of the properties required by those subpatterns, for
example, label , product .
In addition, to complete the process, these triplegroups may need to be “joined”
together, for example, using subject-object joins to create the desired subgraph. All
of this essentially implies a data model and algebra for capturing and manipulating
“triplegroups” as first-class citizens. The following section presents this data model
and algebra and its implementation in more detail.
t he n esteD t riPle g rouP D ata m oDel anD a lgebra (ntga)
Definition 6.1
(TripleGroup) A triplegroup tg is a relation of triples t 1 , t 2 ,… t k , whose schema is
defined as (S, P, O) . Further, any two triples ti, i , t j tg have overlapping components,
that is, ti i [coli] i ] = t j [coli] j ], where coli, i , coli, j refer to subject or object component. When
all triples agree on their subject (object) values, we call them subject (object) triple-
groups, respectively.
Figure 6.6a is an example of a subject triplegroup that corresponds to a
star subgraph. Our data model allows triplegroups to be nested at the object
Definition 6.2
(Nested TripleGroup) A nested triplegroup ntg consists of a root triplegroup ntg.
root and one or more child triplegroups returned by the function ntg .child()
such that: For each child triplegroup ctg ntg .child() ,
• ∃ t 1 ntg .root , t 2 ctg such that t 1 .Object = t 2 .
Triplegroup ntg in Figure 6.6c is an example of a nested triplegroup. A nested
triplegroup can be “unnested” into a triplegroup using the unnest operator. Figure
6.6d shows the triplegroup untg resulting from an unnest operation on the nested
triplegroup ntg . In addition, we define the flatten operation to generate an “equiv-
alent” n-tuple for a given triplegroup. For example, if tg = t 1 , t 2 ,…, then the n-tuple
tu has triple t 1 = ( s 1, p 1, o 1) stored in the first three columns of tu , triple t 2 = ( s 2, p 2,
o 2) is stored in the fourth through sixth column, and so on. For convenience, we
define the function triples() to extract the triples in a triplegroup. For triple-
group tg in Figure 6.6a, the flatten is computed as tg .triples( label )
tg .triples( country ) tg .triples( homepage ) , resulting in an n-tuple nt
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