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SPARQL Algebra and Syntax
Set of triple patterns concatenated via.
Concatenation of two groups {…} . {…}
"literal"^^type ). If needed in arithmetic expressions, numeric literals (e.g.,
literals of type xsd:integer ) are parsed into the appropriate numeric
data type of Pig Latin at runtime. The RDF syntax does not define an internal struc-
ture of blank nodes, they just have to be distinguishable from URIs and literals.
Thus, we can also represent them as atoms with a leading underscore ( _ :nodeID ).
Hence, an RDF triple can be represented as a tuple with three fields of atomic type
( chararray ) with schema ( s:chararray, p:chararray, o:chararray ).
5.3.2 a lgebra t ranslation
For each operator of the SPARQL algebra we give a translation into a sequence
of Pig Latin commands illustrated by a representative example (P1-P6). First, we
introduce the needed terminology analogous to [12]: Let V be the infinite set of query
variables and T be the set of valid RDF terms (URIs, RDF literals, blank nodes).
Definition 5.1
A (solution) mapping μ is a partial function μ : V T . We call μ(? v ) the variable bind-
ing of μ for ? v . Abusing notation, for a triple pattern p we call μ( p ) the triple pattern that
is obtained by substituting the variables in p according to μ. The domain of μ, dom (μ),
is the subset of V where μ is defined and the domain of p , dom ( p ), is the subset of V
used in p . The result of a SPARQL query is a multiset of solution mappings Ω.
Definition 5.2
Two mappings μ 1 , μ 2 are compatible iff, for every variable ? v dom 1 ) ∩ dom 2 ), it
holds that μ 1 (? v ) = μ 2 (? v ). It follows that mappings with disjoint domains are always
compatible and the set-union (merge) of μ 1 and μ 2 , μ 1 ∪ μ 2 , is also a mapping.
Basic Graph Pattern (BGP). BGPs are the basis of all SPARQL queries as it is
the only operator that is evaluated directly on the underlying RDF data. The result
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