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Fig.7. Typical behavior of an asynchronous CA under probabilistic updating. The
density ρ 0 is 0.416 and the probabilities of fault p f in (a), (b), and (c) are, respectively,
0, 0.001 and 0.01.
Fig.8. Histogram representing the percentage of success of three noisy automata with
respect to the unperturbed versions. The probability of fault is on the horizontal axis.
Async 1 (gray bar) is the new random sweep automaton, while Async 2 (black bar) cor-
responds to the uniform choice CA. EvCA (white bar) is the best evolved synchronous
probability exceeds 0 . 01, the two synchronous rules collapse, especially GKL,
while the asynchronous rule does not seem to suffer much from the increasing
level of noise and keeps a good performance level in the whole range, except for
high probability values (note the logarithmic scale on the horizontal axis).
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