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Fig. 1. Relations s between cells and layers in the proposed model
3.4. “Ingredients” of a Cellular Automaton
The generalisation proposed by our model requires, for each application to a concrete
case-study, a preliminary structuring-programming and initialisation. The design of an
cellular automaton requires in fact two subsequent phases:
1. Design of the structure and rules . This is done through the definition of the
number and types of the following elements::
the number of global parameters g : P G ={ p G1 , p G2 , …, p Gg } and their respective
domains of definition P G1 , P G2 , …, P Gg ;
the eventual functions of variation of parameters p Gk = f k ( t, P Gk );
the number of cell types n and the number of layers l ;
for each layer:
the number of layer's parameters c : P L ={ p L1 , p L2 , …, p Lc } and their respective
domains of definition P L1 , P L2 , …, P Lc ;
the eventual functions of variation of parameters: p Lk = f k ( t, P Lk , P G );
the domain of definition of cell states S (i) ;
the rules for the definition of sets H L (i) . C of cells constituting the horizontal
neighbourhood ;
the number of local parameters m : P ={ p 1 , p 2 , …, p m } and their respective domains
of definition P 1 , P 2 ,..., P m .
the eventual functions of variation of parameters: p k = f k ( t, P k , P L , P G );
the eventual rules for the definition of cell's vertical neighbourhood V ={ V 1 , V 2 ,…,
V q } and their respective sets Σ of transferring functions σ k ;
the eventual definition of graphical object type characterising cells.
2. Scenario Initialisation . This comprises the definition of initial values of global
and layer parameters, the definition of initial values of cells' states and the
initialisation of graphical objects associated to cells.
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