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where P L ={ p L1 , p L2 , …, p Lc } is a set of c layer's parameters that, according to a
transition function and together with other values, concur to the evolution of the
scenario. With the notation L (i,t) . C and L (i,t) .P L will be indicated the elements of L (i,t)
(each layer can contain only cells of one type; it is not excluded more than one layer
containing cells of the same type).
Thus, the configuration CA (t) of a specific cellular automaton at the moment t is
entirely defined by the pair P G and L :
CA (t) =( P G , L )
( 2 )
P G ={ p G1 , p G2 , …, p Gg } (also CA (t) .P G ) is a set of g global parameters that concur in
regulating the evolution of the CA according to cells' transition functions
L ={ L (1) , L (2) , …, L (l) } (also CA (t) . L ) is a set of all l layers of cells.
Both the parameters p Gk and the parameters p Lk can assume values in predefined
domains, continuous or discrete, and can vary in time according to assigned laws.
In particular, it is assumed that:
for a generic p Lk , the possibility to vary with respect to the moment t , with respect
to the values of other parameters of layer p Lj P Lk P L where j k , and with respect
to global parameters according to an assigned function p Lk = f k ( t, P Lk , P G );
for a generic p Gk , the possibility to vary with respect to the moment t , and with
respect to the values of other global parameters p Gj P Gk P G where j k and
according to an assigned function p Gk = f k ( t, P Gk );
for both types of parameters, the possibility to depend of a generic calculation
model that evolves in parallel with the cellular automaton.
3.3. The Cell
The generic cell of i -th layer at the instant t is defined as:
c (i,t) ( s , H, V , P , φ, Σ , o )
( 3 )
where the symbols between the parenthesis indicate attributes characterising the cell.
As we shall explain later, the form attributes assume determines the type, or better the
class , of the cell. Being c (i,t) . X the attribute X of the cell c (i,t) in the instant t of the
simulation, in (4) we will have that:
s is the cell's state that assumes values from a set of discrete of continuous states
S (i) .
H L (i) . C is the set of cells constituting the horizontal neighbourhoods (cfr. fig. 1).
These are cells that, according to the transition functions φ, can determine a change
of the state s of the generic cell belonging to the set L (i) . C . The cells of set H , that
potentially can change during the evolution of the system, can be defined:
as an explicit assignment of specific cells;
as a result of a generic query on the set of cells L (i) . C ;
A particular topologies of neighbourhood is comprised implicitly in the latter
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