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v mi m ( t ) := min( d m,l ( t ) ,v m ( t )) 1 ,
where d m,l ( t ) is the number of free cells between the car m and its next car in
front l , is a lower bound of how far the car m will move during this time-step.
Brake lights are a further component of the anticipated driving. They allow
cars to react to disturbances in front earlier by adjusting their speed. Empir-
ical observations suggest [15,16] that drivers react in a temporal- rather than
a spatial-horizon. For this reason the velocity-dependent temporal interaction
t n ( t ) := min( v n ( t ) ,h )
is introduced to the model. The constant h determines the temporal range of
interaction with the brake light b m ( t ) of the next car m in front. The car n does
only react to b m ( t ) if the time to reach the back of the car m , assuming constant
velocity ( v n = const . ) and that the car m stands still, is less than t n ( t ), that is,
t n ( t ):= d n,m ( t )
v n ( t ) <t n ( t ) .
In our model we take h equal to 7s.
The third modification of the Nagel-Schreckenberg model implemented in the
simulator is a velocity dependent randomization, which means that the probabil-
ity constant p is replaced with a probability function dependent on the velocity
of the car. Further, the probability is also a function of the brake light of the
next car in front. In every time-step for every car n with car m next in front,
the probability that the car n brakes is
p b , if b m ( t )=onand t n ( t ) <t n ( t ),
p 0 , if v n ( t ) = 0 and ( b m ( t )=offor t n ( t ) ≥ t n ( t )),
p d , default.
p = p ( v n ( t ) ,b m ( t )) :=
In our model we take p b equal to 0 . 96, p 0 equal to 0 . 1, and p d equal to 0 . 01.
To sum up, to move the cars forward in the network the algorithm executes
the following steps in parallel for all cars n :
Step 0: Initialization:
For car n find next car in front m . Set p := p ( v n ( t ) ,b m ( t )) and b n ( t +1):=off.
Step 1: Acceleration:
if b n ( t )=onor( b m ( t )=on and t n ( t ) <t n ( t )),
v n ( t + 1
v n ( t ) ,
3 ):=
min( v n ( t )+1 ,v max ) ,
Step 2: Braking:
v n ( t + 2
3 ) := min( v n ( t + 1
3 ) ,d e n,m ( t )) .
Turn brake light on if appropriate:
if v n ( t + 2
3 ) <v n ( t ) , then b n ( t ):=on .
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