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Stable State
Fig. 1. Model of Associative Memory
In this paper we propose the design of a CAM for pattern recognition. The
CAM basically acts as an Associative Memory which is also referred to as Con-
tent Addressable Memory . Thus the acronym CAM stands for both Cellular
Automata Machine acting as Content Addressable Memory . The memorizing
capacity of CAM , as established in this paper, can be found to be
better than that of conventional Hopfield Net by 33%.
2 Cellular Automata Preliminaries
A Cellular Automaton ( CA ) consists of a number of cells organized in the form of
a lattice. It evolves in discrete space and time. The next state of a cell depends on
its own state and the states of its neighboring cells. In a two state 3-neighborhood
CA , there can be a total of 2 2 3
- that is, 256 distinct next state functions of a
cell referred to as the rule of CA cell [7].
A special class of CA referred to as Multiple Attractor CA ( MACA ) designed
with rule vector < 150 , 102 , 60 , 150 > is shown in Fig.2 . Its state space gets
divided into four attractor basins; each basin contains an attractor (with self
loop) and transient states. MACA employing linear/additive CA rules have
been widely studied in the topic [8].
Generalized Multiple Attractor Cellular Automata (GMACA) em-
ploys non-linear CA rules with attractor cycle length greater than or equal to
1. It can e " ciently model an associative memory [9,10,11]. The Fig.3 illustrates
the state space of a 4-cell GMACA with rule vector < 202 , 168 , 218 , 42 > . The
state space of this CA is divided into two attractor basins. The non-cyclic states
are referred to as Transient States in the sense that a CA finally settles down in
one of its attractor cycles after passing through such transient states.
In order to model an associative memory for a given set of patterns P =
{P 1 , ···, P i , ···P k } , following two relations has to be satisfied by the GMACA .
R1: Each attractor basin of the GMACA should contain one and only one
pattern ( P i ) to be learnt in its attractor cycle; the corresponding basin is referred
to as P i -basin.
R2: The hamming distance ( HD ) of each state S i ∈P i -basin with P i is
lesser than that of S i with any other P 's. That is, HD ( S i , P i ) <HD ( S i , P j ),
P j ∈P and P j = P i .
While the relation R1 ensures uniqueness of the stored patterns, the relation
R2 ensures recognition of patterns with distortion due to noise.
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