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For a 3 cell GF(2 2 ) SACA , T is:
Step 3. Construct SACA by implementing the result ofTheorem 3.
3 Cellular Automata Based Authentication (CAA)
Scheme for Message/Image
The schemes for message and image authentication are noted along with proof
ofrobustness against the attacks. The GF(2) CA based authentication scheme
proposed in [9] is insecure against attacks based on Differential Cryptanalysis.
The proposed scheme overcomes the problem.
3.1 SACA as One-Way Hash Function Generator
The proposed scheme employs keyed one-way hash function based authentication
using GF(2 p ) SACA and its dual SACA . The one-way hash function maps a
secret key and an arbitrary length input message data to a fixed length hash
output referred to as message digest .
CAA for Digital Message
Let, A has a message M to send to B and they share a common secret key K.
A calculates message digest C K ( M ) from M, and K employing one way SACA
based hash function. Message M and digest C K ( M ) are transmitted to B where
B performs the same function on the received message to generate a new digest
C K ( M
). The message gets authenticated if C K ( M ) and C K ( M
) matches.
Algorithm 1 Generate Message Digest
Input : Message M of length |M | bits; Private key P: n × p bits :
- n cell GF( 2 p ) SACA and its dual SACA
Output : Message Digest: n × p bits
Step 1: Group Message M into k blocks { M 1 , M 2 , ... M k } each of length n
symbol (S 1 , S 2 , ..., S n )inGF( 2 p )
Let P 1 = P (Private Key)
For(i=1 to k)
Step 2: Form a tridiagonal matrix CA M i whose n diagonal elements are
n-symbols of M i ; off diagonal values are 1 and the remaining all values are zero
Step 3: Run each of the CAs for one step:
(a) Run CA M i with P i as seed to obtain P i 1
(b) Run SACA with P i 1 as seed to obtain P i 2
(c) Run SACA with P i 2 as seed to obtain P i 3
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