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whether two particles “see” each other or whether the interaction is blocked by
some obstacle. All this is not necessary here.
For some applications it is useful to introduce a matrix of preference which
encodes the preferred walking direction and speed of each pedestrian. It is a
3 × 3 matrix (see Fig. 3) where the matrix elements M ij can directly be related
to observable quantities , namely the average velocity and its fluctuations [11].
M 1 ,− 1 M 1 , 0
M 1 , 1
M 0 ,− 1
M 0 , 0
M 0 , 1
M 1 ,− 1 M 1 , 0 M 1 , 1
Fig. 3. A particle, its possible transitions and the associated matrix of preference
M =( M ij ).
The area available for pedestrians is divided into cells of approximately 40 ×
40 cm 2 which is the typical space occupied by a pedestrian in a dense crowd [20].
Each cell can either be empty or occupied by exactly one particle (pedestrian).
Apart from this simplest variant it is also possible to use a finer discretization,
e.g. pedestrians occupying four cells instead of one.
In contrast to vehicular tra c the time needed for acceleration and braking
is negligible in pedestrian motion. The velocity distribution of pedestrians is
sharply peaked [21]. These facts naturally lead to a model where the pedestri-
ans have a maximal velocity v max = 1, i.e. only transitions to neighbour cells
are allowed. Furthermore, a larger v max would be harder to implement in two
dimensions and reduce the computational e ciency.
The stochastic dynamics of the model is defined by specifying the transition
probabilities p ij for a motion to a neighbouring cell (von Neumann or Moore
neighbourhood) in direction ( i, j ). The transition probability p ij in direction ( i, j )
is determined by the contributions of the static and dynamic floor fields S ij and
D ij and the matrix of preference M ij at the target cell:
p ij = Ne k D D ij e k S S ij M ij (1 − n ij ) ξ ij . (1)
N is a normalization factor to ensure ( i,j ) p ij = 1 where the sum is over the
possible target cells. The factor 1 − n ij , where n ij is the occupation number
of the neighbour cell in direction ( i, j ), takes into account that transitions to
occupied cells are forbidden. ξ ij is a geometry factor (obstacle number) which
is 0 for forbidden cells (e.g. walls) and 1 else. The coupling constants k D and
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