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The behaviors observed can be summarized as follows:
Primeval soups in which no replicating loop is placed are generated by means of a
random distribution pattern biased towards the formation of small path
Self-inspection and construction signals start a dynamic behavior in which some
path components degrade while some other are reconstructed and combined
In genetic model experiments the dynamics induced by the construction signals do
not yield the formation of reproducing loops.
In self-inspecting model experiments the dynamics induced by the self-inspecting
signals originate the spontaneous emergence of replicators with a high probability.
Newborn replicating loops experiment phenotypic variation due to the interaction
with other units or with the environment.
Newborn replicating loops do not experiment genotypic variation because the self-
inspecting signal recovers the encoding of the loop's shape.
Our experimental results suggest that self-inspection based reproduction takes
advantage of the environmental irregularities far better than genetic reproduction. The
emergence of reproducing patterns seems to occur without difficulty in the former.
This is not surprising, since self-inspection based reproduction is a higher order
operation than pattern construction, and has fewer operating requirements than
genetic reproduction.
It can be interesting to note that a small amount of experiments suggest that self-
inspection reproduction could be a precursory stage for the genetic one. Although the
lack of additional experimental data doesn't allow to test further this hypothesis, it
seems conceivable an ulterior stage in which genetic reproducers would substitute the
earlier and more primitive self-inspecting entities. Thus, despite having a better
chance to trigger the reproduction dynamics, self-inspection would be taken over by
the evolutionary advantages of genetic reproduction.
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