Chemistry Reference
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Applications of Metallofoldamers
Yan Zhao
Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, USA
Foldamers are synthetic chain molecules made of multiple repeat units. They mimic
biopolymers such as proteins and nucleic acids in that their chains can adopt ordered, yet
often tunable conformations [1-7]. Since metal ions are essential to the structure and
function of metalloproteins in the biofoldamer world, chemists have been quick to create
synthetic analogues in which metal ions interact with the foldamer backbone to modulate
the latter's conformation. This chapter focuses on the applications of metallofoldamers. It
starts with a general discussion on the creation of functions from structures and then illus-
trates the opportunities that metal ions provide to foldamer-based materials. The chapter
covers three main applications of metallofoldamers: molecular recognition, sensing, and
materials synthesis. Examples are chosen to illustrate the principles underlying the struc-
ture-function correlation and are by no means exhaustive. The chapter ends with some
brief conclusions and an outlook for future challenges.
12.1 Introduction
Although synthetic chemists are good at and often spend most of their time designing and
synthesizing molecular structures, it is the potential functions of these molecules that
appeal to the majority of the public who are nonchemists. Even for many chemists, it is
quite accurate to say that their primary research goals nowadays are the creation of new
functions instead of structures. This is not to imply that fundamental studies of molecular
structures are of little importance. Rather, chemists should strive to apply their structural
understanding to create molecules and materials that can solve the practical problems
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