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intramolecular 1 : 1 peptoid:metal complex (Figure 11.21). Positioning the ligands at i and
3 in the sequence matches the pitch of the helix and is designed to orient these groups
in proximity on the same face of the scaffold, separated by one helical turn.
Oligomers H 1 5 and H 2 6 were synthesized in good yields [52], and their ability to
bind metal ions was evaluated by UV-vis spectroscopy (Figure 11.22, a and c). Job
plots constructed from UV titration of the peptoids with either Cu or Co were
consistent with a 2 : 1 ( H 1 5 ) 2 M(M
Cu or Co ) duplex and a 1 : 1 ( H 2 6 )M intra-
molecular complex. The peptoid:metal ratio was corroborated further by mass spec-
trometry analysis. CD measurements revealed substantial changes upon metal
complex formation (Figure 11.22, b and d). Solutions of the metal complexes exhib-
ited increases in the magnitude of the CD signals near 200 and 220 nm, relative to
the metal-free peptoids. In the case of ( H 1 5 ) 2 M this suggests an increase in confor-
mational order, as the magnitude of the signal reflects the degree of helicity. The
increase in the CD signal was more dramatic for ( H 2 6 )M, consistent with greater
conformational constraint and enhanced secondary structure content due to
Figure 11.22 UV-vis spectra and Job plot for titration of (a) H 1 5 with Cu and (c) H 2 6 with
Cu . CD spectra for (B) H 1 5, (H 1 5) 2 Cu and (H 1 5) 2 Co. CD spectra for (d) H 2 6, (H 2 6)Cu, and
(H 2 6)Co UV-vis spectra. (a) 54 mM peptoid in MeOH:H 2 O (4 : 1) solution, (c) 40 mM peptoid
in MeOH:H 2 O (4 : 1) solution. Blue ¼ free ligand, red¼metal complex. CD spectra: 100 m M
MeOH:H 2 O (4 : 1) solutions [52].
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