Chemistry Reference
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[76,122]. It is widely used as a feed additive for livestock [123] and in “triple anti-
biotics” (along with polymyxin and neomycin) for human external use [124]. Bc con-
tains four D -amino acids, a thiazoline ring, and a cyclic heptapeptide structure formed
via a linkage between the sidechain amine of Lys6 and the C-terminal carboxylate of
Asn12 ( 2 ). It can inhibit metalloproteases presumably due to its metal-binding capabil-
ity [125], can inhibit a membrane-bound protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) [126], and
may serve as a selective inhibitor of b1andb7 integrin following a not yet known
mechanism [127]. However, it was recently shown to have only relatively minor effect
on PDI activity in vitro [128] which requires re-evaluation of Bc as a specific inhibitor
of PDI in cellular systems.
D-Orn YD-P eHis D-Asp
Asn 12
Leu D-Glu X 6
R 1
HN ζ
Cys 2
NH 2
( 2 )
Bc requires a divalent metal ion for its activity [129] and can bind several divalent tran-
sition metal ions, including Co ,Ni ,Cu ,andZn [130], and it triggers a slight
conformational change as discussed below [131]. Co -Bc binds C 55 -isoprenyl (undecai-
soprenyl or bactoprenyl) pyrophosphate with a formation constant of 1.05
10 6 M 1
[132], which can prevent dephosphorylation of this lipid pyrophosphate to bind UDP sug-
ars for transport of the sugars during cell wall synthesis [133]. NMR study of Zn -Bc
suggested that His-10 and the sulfur of thiazoline are coordinated to the metal [130]. EPR
study of Cu -Bc indicated a tetragonally distorted Cu center (g x ¼
2.058, g y ¼
g z ¼
534MHz) with coordinated thiazoline ring nitrogen, imidazole
of His10, and carboxylates of D -Glu4 and Asp11 [13b]. Extended X-ray absorption fine
structure (EXAFS) study of Zn -Bc in solid form revealed three Ns and one O in the first
coordination sphere with a tetrahedral-like geometry [134], suggested them to be thiazo-
line nitrogen, His10 imidazole, D -Glu4, and possibly the N-terminal amino group. The
hyperfine-shifted 1 H NMR spectrum of Co -Bc revealed the N e of His10, the carboxyl-
ate of D -Glu4, and the thiazoline nitrogen as the metal-binding ligands [131]. A structural
model of Co -Bc built with relaxation times as distance constraints revealed a hydropho-
bic pocket formed by the side chains of Ile5 and D -Phe9 for possible binding with the
hydrocarbon chain of the sugar-carrying undecaisoprenyl pyrophosphate (Figure 1.12),
whereas the structure of apo-bacitracin from 2-D NMR showed that the side chains of D -
Phe9 and Ile8 are close to Leu3 [135]. Investigation of the Co complexes of Bc conge-
ners, including the active Bc-B 1 and B 2 and the inactive stereo isomer A 2 and the oxidized
form F, revealed that proper metal binding is essential for Bc activity. The crystal struc-
ture of a Bc-bound serine protease complex shows an extended structure [136] which
would prevent metal binding. The conformational difference among Bc, its protease-
bound complex, metallo-Bc, and farnasylpyrophosphate-metallo-Bc complexes reflects
conformational flexibility of this peptide framework even for its seemingly rigid cyclic
2.261, and A z(Cu) ¼
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