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evermore convinced that these hybrid ligands should not be considered as classical bipy,
phen, or terpy frameworks but should be regarded as a new type of ligands. We are only
just beginning to explore the multitudinous opportunities provided by these ligands and,
while they might not be a cure-all for every problem, their versatility and scope are such
that they will become fundamental building blocks in emerging molecular machinery. The
greatest challenge facing this field is how far it may be possible to correlate the micro-
scopic architecture with the morphology of the emerging mesomorphic material.
The next phase of this work is to construct larger molecules bearing targeted functions
that facilitate the formation of mesomorphic materials or molecules able to undergo self-
segregation. Here, we foresee this kind of Schiff-base oligopyridines will control the local
geometry and electronic properties at the molecular level, while ancillary functions favor
self-association into organized arrays. An elegant avenue would be to nanostructure these
mesophases into polymeric matrices where the memory of the initial supramolecular
arrangement is preserved.
R.Z. wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Professor Jack Harrowfield for com-
menting on the manuscript before publication and to Delphine Hablot for producing all
the artwork in this contribution.
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