Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Loggiato degli Uffizi 6.
Map 4 D1 (6 D4). Tel 055 238
86 51 (info); 055 29 48 83
(reservations). Line open:
8:30am-6:30pm Mon-Sat
(to 12:30pm Sat).
B, 23.
8:15am-6:50pm Tue-Sun
(occasional extended hours in
summer; last adm: 45 mins
before closing).
1 Jan, 1 May,
25 Dec.
www .
. The Duke and Duchess of Urbino (1460)
Piero della Francesca's panels are among the first
true Renaissance portraits. He even recorded the
Duke's hooked nose - broken by a sword blow.
The Tribune ,
decorated in
red and gold,
contains the
works that
the Medici
valued most.
The Birth of Venus (1485)
Botticelli's captivating image shows the Roman
goddess of love, born in a storm in the Aegean
sea. Blown ashore by the winds, she is greet-
ed by nymphs, ready to wrap her in a cloak.
Ancient Greek and Roman sculptures are in the
corridor around the inner side of the horseshoe-shaped
building. The paintings are hung in a series of rooms
off the main corridor, in chronological order, to show the
development of Florentine art from Gothic to Renaissance
and beyond. Many well-known paintings are in rooms
7-18. Five new rooms opened on the ground floor in
2004 and a major expansion of the gallery, due to be
completed in 2013, is underway. Pick up a gallery guide
for advice on layout changes during building works. To
avoid queues, book your ticket and visiting time in
advance using Firenzemusei (see p299) .
Vasari's Classical
Arno façade
The Holy Family (1506)
Michelangelo's painting, the
first to break with the conven-
tion of showing Christ on the
Virgin's lap, inspired
Mannerist artists through its
expressive handling of colour
and posture (see p27).
East Corridor
West Corridor
Arno Corridor
Gallery Rooms 1-45
Non-exhibition space
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