Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Death of Adam
This vivid portrayal of Adam
and Eve in old age illustrates
Piero's masterly treatment of
anatomy. He was one of the
first Renaissance artists to paint
nude figures.
Piazza San Francesco . Tel 0575
206 30.
9am-6pm Mon-Sat
(to 5:30 Sat); 1-5:30pm Sun.
Book ahead (0575 35 27 27).
www .
The prophets appear to play
no part in the narrative cycle;
their presence may be for
purely decorative reasons.
The buildings
in the fresco reflect
the newly fashionable
Renaissance style in
architecture (see p25) .
The wood of
the Cross is
buried in a pit.
Constantine dreams of the
Cross on the eve of battle.
Constantine adopts the
Cross as his battle emblem.
The Queen
of Sheba
recognizes the
wood of the Cross.
Solomon's Handshake
The Queen's handshake
with Solomon, King of Israel,
symbolizes 15th-century
hopes for a union between
the Orthodox and
Western churches.
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