Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Arezzo r
One of the wealthiest cities in Tuscany, Arezzo pro-
duces gold jewellery for shops all over Europe. It is
famous for Piero della Francesca's frescoes and for its
antiques market. Following World War II, there was
much rebuilding - broad avenues have replaced many
of the medieval alleys. The Chimera fountain near the
station is a reminder of the city's past. It is a copy of an
Etruscan bronze (see p42) cast here in 380 BC.
Fortezza Medicea e
Parco il Prato
Tel 0575 37 76 78.
7am-8pm; winter: 7:30am-6:30pm.
Antonio da Sangallo the
Younger's imposing fortress
was built for Cosimo I during
the 16th century. It was partly
demolished in the 18th century,
leaving only the ramparts intact.
With its excellent views across
the Arno valley, it remains an
excellent spot for a picnic.
The same can be said
of the city's large public park,
the Parco il Prato, with its
extensive lawns. It contains
a huge statue (1928) of the
great poet Petrarch. The house
where he was born stands at
the entrance to the park.
Duomo façade, completed as
recently as 1914
depict scenes from his uncon-
ventional life. Next to the
tomb is a small fresco of
Mary Magdalene by Piero
della Francesca (1410-92).
The Lady Chapel, fronted
by an intricate wrought-iron
screen (1796), contains a terra-
cotta Assumption by Andrea
della Robbia (1435-1525).
Chimera fountain
San Francesco
See pp200-201.
Museo del Duomo
Piazzetta behind the Duomo 13.
Tel 0575 239 91.
Pieve di Santa Maria
Corso Italia 7. Tel 0575 226 29.
Thu-Sat. Ask the sacristan to let
you in.
8:30am-12:30pm, 3-6:30pm
daily. www
Arezzo's main shopping street,
Corso Italia, leads uphill to the
Pieve di Santa Maria, which has
a beautifully ornate Roman-
esque façade. Sadly, the com-
plex filigree of interlaced
arches has weathered badly.
The splendid campanile,
the “tower of a hundred
holes”, dates to 1330. Its
name derives from the many
arches running through it.
Piazza del Duomo.
Begun in 1278, the Duomo
remained incomplete until
1510; its façade dates to 1914.
A huge building, its Gothic
interior is lit through windows
containing beautiful 16th-
century stained glass by Gui-
llaume de Marcillat, a French
artist who settled in Arezzo.
High on the wall to the left
of the 15th-century High Altar
can be seen the tomb of Guido
Tarlati, bishop and ruler of
Arezzo from 1312 until
his death in 1327.
Carved reliefs
Among the artifacts removed
from the cathedral are three
wooden crucifixes, dating
from the 12th and 13th
centuries. The oldest of these
was painted by Margaritone
di Arezzo in 1264.
Also of interest are Bernardo
Rossellino's terracotta bas-relief
of The Annunciation (1434),
a number of frescoes by Vasari
(1512-74) and an Annun-
ciation by
Piazza Grande
The square is famous for its
antiques market (see p286) .
On the west side, the façade
of the Palazzo della Fraternità
dei Laici is decorated with
a relief of the Virgin
(1434) by Bernardo
Rossellino. The lower
half of the building
dates from 1377.
The belfry and
clock tower date
from 1552.
The north side
of the square fea-
tures a handsome
arcade designed
by Vasari in 1573.
Apse of Pieve di Santa Maria and Palazzo della Fraternità dei Laici in Piazza Grande
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