Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The dismantling of the hated border fortifications began almost immediately and by now the
city halves have visually merged so perfectly that it takes a keen eye to tell East from West.
Fortunately, there's help in the form of a double row of cobblestones that guides you along
5.7km of the Wall's course. Also keep an eye out for the Berlin Wall History Mile , which
consists of 30 information panels set up along the course of the Wall. They draw attention,
in four languages, to specific events that took place at each location. For details, see
Only about 2km of the actual concrete barrier are still standing today, most famously the
1.3km stretch that is now the East Side Gallery . But there are plenty of other traces
scattered throughout the city, including lamps, patrol paths, fences, perimeter defences,
switchboxes and so on. Most are so perfectly integrated they're only discernible to the prac-
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