Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Price Ranges
The following room-rate breakdown serves only as a guideline. Listed rates refer to
one night in a standard double room with private bathroom during high season but
outside of major events, holidays or trade-show periods. Many properties have pricier
rooms in higher categories. Rates include 7% value-added tax (VAT). Breakfast is
sometimes included, but more often than not is an optional extra - prices have been
noted where applicable.
€ under €80
€€€ €80 to €160
€€€ over €160
City Tax
VAT has long been included in room rates, but since 1 January 2014 an additional 5%
'City Tax' is payable on the net room rates, ie excluding VAT and fees for amenities and
services such as minibar, sauna or spa. The tax is added to the hotel bill. Business
travellers are exempt if they can prove the purpose of their trip (eg with a letter from
the company or a bill issued to the employer). Rates quoted in this topic do not in-
clude the tax.
Which Floor?
In Germany, 'ground floor' refers to the floor at street level. The 1st floor (what would
be called the 2nd floor in the US) is the floor above that. The topic follows local usage
of the terms.
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