Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
We now have the very basics of a game. We have a player who has something to do.
However, there is no challenge to the game at this point. In nearly every game, there is
some sort of challenge or problem to overcome. This gives the player more purpose and
makes their goal harder to achieve.
For this game, let's simply add in some enemies. These enemies will spawn randomly just
like the collectable items, and they will also randomly choose to go either vertically or ho-
rizontally. When they collide with a wall, they will turn around and go the other way. We
can also randomize their speed to add more variety and challenge.
Once again, let's start by creating a new sprite. Name it spr_Enemy and create a simple
32 x 32 red square. Once again, this can be changed later on, but for now, let's keep things
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