Game Development Reference
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The while loop
The while loop is a loop that repeats as long as a statement evaluates as true. This state-
ment can be made of a function or an equation, and as long as the statement evaluates as
true, the code in the curly braces that follow will be repeated.
This is a while loop in GML.
As you can see, the while loop is structured much the same as an if statement. Except,
instead of saying, if something is happening, do something, we are saying, while
something is happening, do something.
In this case, we are saying while (x<100) ; add 1 to x .
As long as the statement returns true, the code will be repeated. If the object's x was equal
to 0 before the while statement was run, then the code will repeat 100 times as one is
added to x at every run.
Once x is over 100, the statement is no longer true and the loop stops.
It is important to be careful with this type of loop. If, for example, we accidentally typed
x-=1 and we subtracted 1 from x at every run, your game would freeze until the operat-
ing system detects it as being unresponsive. This is what is called an infinite loop. An in-
finite loop is a loop that has no exit. It causes the game to loop through the one piece of
code forever, and as this happens in the same step, the game will never progress any fur-
The for loop
The for loop is the most complicated but also one of the most commonly used loops.
The for loop is often used to apply a change to many instances at once.
This is what a for loop looks like in GML:
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