Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 9. Diagram of the distribution of magnitudes and directions of SF flow velocity vectors
in the gap between AC surfaces. Associations of NaHA/HA macromolecules decline in
places with the greatest SF flow velocity gradient, i.e. in zones adjoining each AC surface.
The SF flow velocity gradient decreases in the direction towards the neutral zone
Fig. 10. Rotation of the tibial and femoral part of the knee joint during the transition from
flexion to extension. During the rotation of the femoral part of the knee joint (due to the
effect of the left-hand rotation moment M) round the current (relative) centre of rotation
(which is the intersection of longitudinal axes of the femur and tibia), point A moves to
position . During a simultaneous rotation of the tibial part of the knee joint (due to the
effect of the right-hand rotation moment M) round the same current (relative) centre of
rotation, point B moves to position
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