Biomedical Engineering Reference
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a: initial view, b: 4 months after DDM graft, c: dental implant placement, d: mature bone with marrow
Fig. 4. X-ray photography and bone biopsy
Results and discussion
The biopsy tissue showed that mature bone was interconnected with the remained DDM
granules (Fig. 4d). We found that DDM facilitated its adaption of the grafted site and was
slowly absorbed as new bone began to form.
This patient was successfully restored with the dental implants after the DDM autograft.
These results demonstrated that autogenous dentin could be recycled as an innovative
3.2 Case 2: Bone regeneration, 58 year-old woman
A 58-year-old female presented with missing teeth (#12-#22). A clinical examination
revealed an atrophied upper jaw in the section. Her medical history was unremarkable.
Preparations of DDM
The autogenous DDM were obtained from a non-functional vital tooth (#17). The second
molar was crushed with saline ice by our newly developed tooth- mill (DENTMILL®, Tokyo
Iken Co., Ltd) at 12000rpm for 30 sec (Fig. 5). Briefly, vessel and blade were made in ZrO 2 ,
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