Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Larvik and Skien
Fjord Country
Depart from Oslo Sentral Station
Distance by Train: 120 miles (193 km) to Skien
Average Train Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Tourist Information Offices: Larvik: Larvik Tourist Office, Bolgen Culture house
Sanden 2 NO-3264
Tel: 33 69 7100
Hours: 0900-1530 Monday-Friday; closed weekends
Skien: Skien Tourist Information, Reiselivets Hus, Hjellen 18, 3724 Skien
Tel: 35 90 55 20; Fax: 35 90 55 30
Hours: 0900-1530 Monday-Friday
If there's a fjord in your future, you'll probably find it on this day excursion. The
greater part of that huge seaway known as the Oslofjord unfolds its grandeur as
the train wends its way to Larvik and Skien. The sight of huge tankers and ocean
liners miles from the ocean, plying between tree-covered mountains, is a breath-
taking sight.
As the train leaves Larvik en route to Skien, you'll also leave the fjords but begin
to travel in an area of beautiful lakes connected by streams running through a
wooded countryside. This, too, is fascinating and well worth the trip.
Since a train departs the Oslo Sentral Station on the
Oslo-Drammen-Larvik-Skien line every two hours throughout the day, you might
consider leaving the train at any point that catches your interest and returning to
board the train that follows to continue your journey. It's a nice option to take.
You'll need to seek out the local tourist information office in some of the places
you elect to stop, and the train gives you an excellent preview of what each town
has to offer as you approach. Basically, the route through Larvik takes you to typ-
ical Norwegian seafaring towns, and each seems to offer a different type of land-
and seascape. In a sense, you'll be window-shopping, so be prepared to leave the
train on impulse.
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