Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Currency: Hungarian Forint (HUF)
Exchange rate at press time: HUF 223.84 = U.S. $1.00
Country Code: 36
Major Mobile Phone Companies: T-Mobile, Telenor, Vodafone
Rail Travel in Hungary
The Hungarian State Railways (Magyar Allamvasutak, or MAV) includes more than
4,844 miles (7,750 kilometers) of rail lines with 1,423 miles (2,277 kilometers) elec-
trified. Visit . Fifty-four international trains per day arrive in
Budapest, including Euronight (EN) service from Zürich and Bucharest. All inter-
national trains have dining and sleeping facilities; however, many of the Hungarian
InterCity and express trains still do not offer all of the same amenities that can be
found on the trains of Western Europe.
The Hungarian State Railways (MAV) accepts the variety of Eurail passes,
the European East Pass, Eurail Austria-Hungary Pass, Eurail Hun-
gary-Croatia-Slovenia Pass, Eurail Hungary-Romania Pass, and its own na-
tional pass—the Eurail Hungary Pass.
For more detailed information on types and prices of other rail passes, please see
the European rail passes listed in the Appendix.
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