Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Kandel ER (2006) In search of memory:
the emergence of a new science of mind.
W. W Norton & Co, New York
2. Bliss T, Collingridge GL, Morris RGM (2004) Long-term potentiation: enhancing neurosci-
ence for 30 years. Oxford University Press, Oxford
3. Burger JR (2009) Human memory modeled with standard analog and digital circuits: inspira-
tion for man-made computers. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ
4. Kanerva P (1988) Sparse distributed memory. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
5. Franklin S (1995) Artificial minds. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
6. Anderson J (1983) The architecture of cognition. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
7. Dennett DC (1991) Consciousness explained. Back Bay Books, Boston
8. Wegner DM (2002) The illusion of conscious will. Bradford Books, Cambridge, MA
9. Restak R (2006) The naked brain: how the emerging neurosociety is changing how we live,
work, and love. Harmony Books, New York
10. Penrose R (1989) The emperor's new mind: concerning computers, minds and the laws of
physics. Oxford University Press, Oxford
11. Tarlaci S (2010) A historical view of the relation between quantum mechanics and the brain:
a neuroquantologic perspective. NeuroQuantology 8:120-136
12. Hameroff S, Penrose R (2003) Conscious events as orchestrated space-time selections.
NeuroQuantology 1:10-35
13. Hameroff S (2007) Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules:
a model for consciousness. NeuroQuantology 5:1-8
14. Walker EH (2000) The physics of consciousness: the quantum mind and the meaning of life.
Perseus, Cambridge, MA
15. Tegmark M (2000) The importance of quantum decoherence in brain process. Phys Rev E
16. Donald MJ (2001) Book review, Walker, the physics of consciousness: the quantum mind
and the meaning of
life. Psyche, vol. 7, , accessed
March 4, 2013
Self-Study Exercises
(If you desire to keep a record of your efforts, please type your answers.)
1. Sketch on graph paper the four major types of bursts found in neurons according
to this chapter. (HINT: Single pulses, bursts of about ten pulses for basic
communications and logic, extended bursts for up to a few seconds for STM,
and indefinitely long bursts, or bursts that can be triggered and stopped if and
only if there is an attribute of LTM)
2. List the characteristics of and possible mechanisms for:
(a) STM (HINT: Lasts no more than a few seconds; could be caused by a
shortfall of available internal ions thus resulting in long dendritic pulses;
this would trigger long pulse bursts of regular pulses in the soma)
(b) LTM (HINT: Formed instantly and lasts forever; could be based on quick
LTP, or recursive neurons that cause a low-profile pulse to cycle indefinitely,
or a hybrid of potentiation and recursion)
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