Information Technology Reference
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Chapter 2
Brain Architecture for an Intelligent
Stream of Consciousness
This chapter proposes a brain system building up from the known logical properties
of neurons, which must fit together according to the principles of electrical system
theory. The possibility of reverse engineering a human brain is not investigated
below, since this sort of thing is generally attempted in a very limited way using
lower life forms. The goal here is to explain higher intelligence and stream of
It seems certain that cerebral neurons must operate together efficiently. This
implies a system structure that would not be evident within the confines of molecu-
lar biology and biochemistry. System considerations soon lead to the concept of a
distributed memory in which each element of memory is dedicated to a given
mental attribute, an edge, shade, or color, for instance. For efficiency there has to
be a one-to-one correspondence between short-term and long-term memory (LTM),
since otherwise, memorization and recall are difficult to explain.
Basic psychology suggests that subconscious LTM is associative, where the
recall depends chiefly on cues. Well known is that ambiguous cues lead to unpre-
dictable recalls, while exact cues lead to exact recalls. Associative memory is a
topic studied in computer science, the principles of which are likely to apply to
human memory as well. Thus, as in any associative memory system, human
memory must have valid cues for a memory search while avoiding mental blocks,
and must resolve the problem of confusing multiple returns, by determining how
much is permitted into conscious STM, and in what order.
Common sense is sometimes misleading when it comes to mental processes, but
even so, the basic features of a mental system do not have to be exceedingly
mysterious. For instance, forgetting can be viewed as a mental block in which
cues fail to achieve a return from memory. Mental blocks are fatal in dangerous
situations, so for survivability, it seems likely there must be a cue editor that fights
mental blocks. The cue editor discussed in this topic does this, and permits a
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