Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Burger JR (2011) Neural networks that emulate qubits. NeuroQuantology 9:910-916
2. Pittenger AO (1999) An introduction to quantum computing algorithms. Birkhauser, Boston,
3. Burger JR (2011) Symmetric and anti-symmetric quantum functions. arXiv:cs/0304016, 13
June 2011
4. Nielson MA, Chuang IL (2000) Quantum computation and quantum information, Cambridge
series on information and the natural sciences. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Self-Study Exercises
(If you desire to keep a record of your efforts, please show a couple of steps leading
to the answers.)
The Phase of the 1
1. What is observed after sampling?
[1 1] 0 (ANS. True with 50 % chance; false with 50 % chance)
1] 0 (ANS. True with 50 % chance; false with 50 % chance)
11] 0 using transforms as in the text to
determine its properties after a readout? (ANS. The transform gives [0
2. What is observed for the tagged list
1] 0 but
the negative sign is not seen. One reads out a true. So this is the result of a
nonconstant binary function, an inverter)
Symmetric and Antisymmetric Function Determination
3. List a truth table for the following:
(a) NOT function in shorthand form. (ANS. 1 0; means as the input counts in
binary up 0 1 the output follows as 1 0)
(b) All symmetric and antisymmetric functions for n
2, in shorthand form.
2 n or 8 functions and so there
are 8 truth tables: “0000, 0011, 0101, 0110, 1001, 1010, 1100, 1111”).
(c) Label the above functions to be symmetric or antisymmetric, and regular or
complementary (positive or negative). (ANS. s, a, a, s, s, a, a, s; +, +, +,+,
Place them in numerical order (there are 2
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