Information Technology Reference
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￿ New(i)—The index “i” is assumed to begin at 1 and to increase indefinitely as the
number of images in STM increases. New(1) is thought of as the first image or
impression of the day.
￿ R1—This refers to a register of K simulated qubits plus an extra such qubit that
serves as a flag to signal that R1 is in use.
￿ Clear—This is a signal that will effectively clear the register so that it is prepared
to accept another batch of conflicting cues.
￿ Flag—This signal indicates that a set of cues has been loaded into the register of
simulated qubits. These bad cues are about to be modified.
￿ NoHit(1)—This is a signal from associative long-term memory that indicates
that a match was not found. NoHit(1) causes R1 to be loaded with the problem
cues, but only if the NoHit(1) occurs shortly after a search attempt via New(1).
Thus, if NoHit(1) goes true as a result of an attempt from R1 to find a match, no
additional loading takes place.
￿ Hit(1)—This signal goes true when there is a match, which will be the case most
often. When Hit(1)
1 and R1 contains data R1 is cleared to be ready for the
next set of problem cues. Note that Hit(1) and NoHit(1) are brief neural bursts
that normally are both at rest until after a search occurs.
￿ Load(1)—When this signal goes high (true) the simulated qubits are enabled to
load the applied cues.
￿ Modify(1)—When this signal goes true the probabilities of having a given cue
are reduced slightly to enhance the chance of finding a match in long-term
￿ U4, 5, 6—This is a block of logic, defined above, that serves to disable a search
based from R1 when there is a need for immediate service of a new set of
attributes, that is, when New(2) goes true.
￿ U1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10—These refer to units of neural logic including ordinary AND
and OR gates.
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