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Fig. 5.3 Block U4, 5, 6
Soon there will be a double-check search as cues are applied via U2 and U3.
If there is an unexpected match, R1 is cleared via U7 and the system is taken back to
its initial condition. But if NoHit(1) goes true again, the cues are now modified via
U9 in that the probabilities for each true attribute are taken below 100 % as
described below. This means their multivibrators have f x <
f 1 . Another search
occurs asynchronously with the modified cues. The process of modification and
searching continues intermittently until Hit(1) occurs and a Clear results, or until a
new set of conflicting cues is sent to R1.
Block U4, U5, U6
Block “U4, 5, 6” generates an Enable as now described (see Fig. 5.3 ). This is used
to disable the registers for a specified time, as necessary when a higher priority
search is called for, meaning a new image in conscious STM and New(2)
When Flag
True U4 is activated. The output of U4 goes
true and activates a synapse S1 that forces the output of U5 to go true for several
milliseconds. U5 is a STM neuron. The NoHit signal enables U11, another STM,
creating an environment for an inverter U6. The inverter is assumed to use inhibi-
tory synapses as described in a previous chapter.
The output of inverter U6 subsequently goes false, so Enable is false. This
prevents the output of U8, and CueMods(1), from going true. While CueMods(1)
is false, it is not possible to search with unsatisfied cues that have been transferred to
R1. Rather, the most recent cues associated with New(2) are passed through and
processed first. The duration of disabling must exceed the time to conduct a
memory search, a few tens of milliseconds.
If the search enabled by New(2) finds a match, the background search associated
with Flag will start up again. But if NoHit(2) happens to go true for this new search,
conflicting cues for this new search are automatically loaded into R1, erasing the
first set of cues held there.
True, and New(2)
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