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Fig. 5.2 Proposed subcircuit for cue editing
U10 is activated because New(1) has prepared it for what occurs next. A NoHit(1)
signal causes the existing inconsistent cues, shown coming down from the top, to be
loaded into R1. This is a register of simulated qubits that are configured to begin their
work as simple registers, that is, respective qubits go true (frequency goes to f 1 )iftheir
respective attribute is present, or false otherwise (frequency in this case goes to 0).
If NoHit(1)occurs,R1 undergoes Load(1) and also makes Flag go true. It is now
assumed that New(2)
0, and that Enable is true. The block U4, 5, 6 is going to be
discussed below. Thus U8 is enabled, and CueMods(1) goes true. This enables U2,
U7, and U9, and makes possible a Modify(1) and also a Clear in the event that Hit(1)
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